The Hungarian Engineering and Technical Jobportal, IT Job Offers
189 engineering/technical jobs and 15998 registered job seekers in the database!
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For Employers

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Dear Employer,

We would like to welcome you to MÉRNÖKÁLLÁ, the Hungarian Engineering and Technician Job portal!

By registration, You will have your account, which is a tool to easily manange your recruitment process from posting of the advertisement to making of the short-list from your applicants.

Prices (excluding VAT):

One advert : HUF 69.900/4weeks
5 adverts (can be used in 90 days) : HUF 299.000/4weeks
Highlighted advert on landing-page: HUF 25.000/4weeks
Client logo linked to the advert(s) scrolling on landing-page: HUF 30.000

Superbanner on landing page (960x120pixel) : 850.000 HUF/4 weeks
Superbanner on job listing page (960x120pixel): 780.000 HUF/4weeks
Leadbanner on job-listingv page (468x60pixel) : 595.000 Huf/4weeks
Small banner on job-listing page (235x190pixel) 395.000 HUF/4weeks

All of our prices are quoted in HUF and excluding the actual VAT.

We reserve the right to modify our prices. Our actual and official prices can be found in the „For Employers” menu item.

In case of more adverts and special needs ask for our offer :

WHY to advertise with us?

Because we are the leading and the sole job-portal for engineering and technical job-seekers in Hungary. With our media portfolio (on-line and printings) we are the most visited engineering portal in Hungary, where is worth to advertise not only job posts but other products and services for technical and engineering professionals.

If you post your advertisement on Mérnökállá, we create you an own interface on which you will be able to manage your ads and the applications for your vacancies as well.


- You can manage and track your advertisments easily (Ad Summary, view/application account)
- You can recieve e-mail notices about the applications if you would like to
- Our system matches the applicants’ education, language skills, work experience to your requirements and generates a percentage value which will help you choose the right person for the job.
- You can filter the applicants by various factors (for example: industry / education / experience)
- You can put the applicant in hierarchy, comment on their profile and filter further while you reach the point where you got the short-list which on the interviews can be based on.
- You have the deal only with the really worthy apllications, by sending to your e-mail their filtered and tabulated information. (one-click contact list generation, instant cv export to your e-mail)
- Post your advertisments on-line or by sending them to our staff. Whichever is more comfortable for you.

Of course you can use the traditional cv-forwarding option as well if you prefer.